Monday, January 10, 2011

This is my wish for you...

smiles when sadness intrudes,
comfort on difficult days,
rainbows to follow the clouds,
laughter to kiss your lips,
sunsets to warm your heart,
hugs when spirits sad,
beauty for your eyes to see,
friendships to brighten your being,
faith so that you can believe,
confidence or when you doubt,
patience to accept the truth,
courage to know yourself,
love to complete your life.

Another amazing gift from one of my best friends~ I think she is trying to encourage me to keep going....I'm trying!


  1. You seem to have such an amazing gropu of friends. Probably because you are an amazing spirit. I wish we lived closer because I would love to share some adventures with you.

  2. That's cool. The dragonfly is really pretty too. :)
