Saturday, August 27, 2011

I fought the knife and the knife won....

It was last Sunday morning...
7:00 am. Getting the crock pot ready to have my family over for dinner. The very last ingredient was the juice of one lime... The knife and I had never met before, it was brand new and the sharpest knife I had probably ever used. I pretty much poked it straight through the lime and into my hand. Severing 2 tendons in my left middle finger. I called my friends to take me to the ER.
I recieved 2 stitches and after 6 hours they sent me home telling me I need to schedule surgery. I met with the Dr on Tuesday and he scheduled me for surgery the next day. 6 more hours, anesthesia and one splint later I was sent home.
I started physical therapy yesterday and will begin my long road to recovery...
Here are a few photos~
After ER...

After surgery...

At physical therapy I was able to see how they turned my fourth inch slice into a 2 inch zig zag pattern...

The physical therapist made me this custom splint!

The giant cheese I need to wear while sitting and sleeping to elevate and help prevent swelling...


  1. OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I hope you heal quickly sweetie!!

  2. Wow that looks terribly painful. I hope you are able to recover quickly. It must be hard not having two functional hands.

  3. I probably would have passed out looking at it with the bandage off. You're a brave girl!

  4. Wow!! I wish you a speedy recovery and will be thinking of you.
