It was one year ago today that my beautiful mom died after a very short battle with brain cancer.
This day changed the rest of my life.
I miss her more than any words could ever fully express.
I do not want to focus on her death because she would not want that.
Every day I focus on the life she lived...
and the life I have left to live.
My mom was such an incredible person.
She was a wonderful mother, grandmother, wife, sister, aunt, and friend.
She was an artist, a poet, a reader, a student, a traveler, a french speaker, a painter, a hostess, a cook.
She was funny and interesting, and was always such a pleasure to be around.
She taught me so many things but most of all she taught me how to enjoy life.
How to live and take in every moment.
I am going to keep this short, but I wanted to say Thank You to everyone who might read this, for your encouragement and positive comments and the hope you have given me over the past year.
It means so much to me!
And to my mom~ I miss you so very very much. I keep you in my heart and part of my life every single minute of every single day.
I live my life for me and for you ~ I try so hard not to take things for granted.
Life is precious.
I love you with all of my heart mom.
I am so very proud to be your daughter~
I know I have posted this quote before, but I want to share it again because it is simply amazing.
"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth - and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up, we will then begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had."
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Me and my mom...

My mom and my brother...

My mom, my niece and me...

My mom, my niece and nephew...

My beautiful mom...