Today, in this moment, I have to write without thinking too much. Without editing~ Pen to the paper (in so many words...)
Today my beautiful Mom would have turned 69 years old. It is our first birthday of hers without her. I miss her so much.
I know that moms are such incredible people, but my mom was something so very special. So very unique.
If I could sit with her today and tell her the things I want her to know I would start by saying...
Mom, I hope you will always know how much I love you. I hope that you know that you are such an inspiration to me...Yesterday, today and always. You are my best friend.
You have so many incredible talents. You try new things always and you master them like no one else I know. You are such a strong and caring person. You judge no one. You simply talk to people and get to know them. You take everyone for who they are.
You are kind~
You are thoughtful~
You are beautiful.
You are incredibly missed every single minute of every single day.
If I do nothing else with my life, I hope that one thing I do is live like you did. Enjoy life~
Enjoy the simple things.
Enjoy the big adventures.
Try new things.
Don't be afraid.
Always want to learn~ Always hope... Always dream...
I want to be kind, and compassionate. I want to dance, and sing in the rain.
You inspire me so much. Every single day.
I think of you always.
On this day and every other day of my life, I celebrate you!
I celebrate the time we had together, even though it was cut so short. I celebrate the memories we have.
I celebrate that I am your daughter and that you are my mother.
I am the luckiest person in the world to have been your daughter in this life.
You are such a beautiful person.
I love you with my whole heart mom~
Happy Birthday!
Here are a few photos from her birthday celebration in 2007...