What does it mean to you? For so many it means the memory of the fallen soldiers of our amazing country. To others, it means putting flowers on the graves of our loved ones that are no longer here on earth. It is also a time to get together with family and friends and enjoy the company of those around us. It is all of those things for me~ And sadly this year it means more...the first Memorial day after the death of my beautiful and incredible mother. The rock of my life, my best friend and the person whose love and support has always, and will always be with me. I celebrate her and the life she lived. She does not have a grave, that is not who she was. She is now in the most beautiful place, the place that she loved so much. A place that represents her and the freedom and beauty that surrounds all of us. Today mom, I think of you as I do every day. With an abundance of love! I miss you more than I can ever explain. You are with me everyday, in the things I do and the life I live. When the snow melts in the mountains soon, I will come to the place where you are and I will take in the beauty and breath in the air and I will think of you, as I always do, and smile...