Saying goodbye after 5 years of marriage we started our separate journeys....
this is how my journey continued in 2011....
Completing my first half marathon aside my best friend Heather...

My first European trip...
England with my brother and niece...

Paris and Italy on my own...

Coming home to my "new" old kitchen ~ remodeled as a huge gift and surprise to me by my best friends! I am still in shock that they would have done this for me, it is such an amazing gift!

The notorious slicing of the tendons in my hand, surgery, physical therapy etc....

Cecret Lake hikes with my family and friends....

2 years without her...and still missing her so very much...

Turning 37...

Learning to cook~ and conquering some of the fears that go along with that~

Spending more time with my beautiful sister and her amazing family!

The list goes on and on....
It has been a challenging, difficult, interesting, adventurous, emotional, and wonderful year all wrapped into one...
~Goodbye 2011~
Welcome 2012, my word for the New Year is...
~ Hope ~
Happy New Year!