Saturday, December 15, 2012

Thank you's!

I am not sure why it has taken me so long to blog!  But it worked out timing wise since I got my Facebook paper back this week!
I want to Thank all of you that participated in the survey! And a special Thanks to those that disabled their Facebook pages for a few days and wrote up a summary to me!
Thanks~ (PS, I did Thank them all with a card in the mail too!)
and Jody
This week my paper came back in the mail ~ Here are the final comments the teacher put at the end that made me jump up and down with excitement....
"A" "Excellent work!  Please email me a copy.  I would like to use it as a student sample for future classes!"  Holy cow, when I saw that I was sooooo excited!
I am done with the semester and have a total of 3 classes completed since I started this summer! I am taking 2 more classes next semester! Thanks to everyone who encourages and supports me in the decision to go back to school! It means so much to me!