The quote from my last post....
"Go forth seeking adventure.
Open your eyes, your ears, your mind,
your heart, your spirit and
you'll find adventure everywhere."
is how I am trying to move forward in this journey of life.
I approach an upcoming trip with excitement, fear, happiness, adventure, and slight sadness that I cannot call my mom to share it with her.
This life is an interesting one~ You never know what tomorrow will bring or what twists and turns you will encounter and where the roads will lead.
But I will try with all my might to live, laugh, love and enjoy the journey.
I have packed a few things, most importantly a journal from my best friend, a few books, comfortable shoes, my camera and and open heart and mind. This will be my first trip to Europe. Most will be done on my own~
I am hoping to grow and learn about myself, about the world, about the past and future.
I am filled with fear and excitement and curiosity and hope.
I will post about it all when I return!
I would not have been able to do this without the love and support of my wonderful family and amazing friends and most importantly, my mom!
Thank you for being part of my journey! I am truly a lucky woman...

"Wherever you go, go with all your heart." ~ Confucius